Morefield Unveils New Brand Reflecting Company’s New Strategic Focus & Core Values

This new visual identity allows for growth past the limits of communication

Camp Hill, PA – Morefield Communications, a Managed Service Provider technology company, revealed a branding initiative celebrating their newly introduced logo. The new brand identity arrives exactly one year after Wesley “Wes” Kelly has taken the reigns as company president. The new logo reflects the company’s focus on its four core values and a redefined strategy focused on managed services throughout the company.

Morefield’s new look removes the word “communications” from the logo, while modernizing the font and adding two new colors to their brand. “The solutions and services we provide are not limited to just how people communicate anymore. We understand organizations need tools to collaborate, visualize, and solutions to fit their team’s unique working dynamic. Most importantly, these organizations need someone to help manage and protect every aspect of their digital environment whether it be building-wide, state-wide, or nation-wide. Morefield’s new strategic focus on managed services aligns with these growing needs of our clients,” stated Briana Carr, marketing manager.

“With the rapid rate of developing technology and growth in the organization, we wanted our logo to reflect who we are, but not limit us for future growth. By keeping “Morefield” in our name, we are building and honoring our 75+ year history while evolving into the future. Our employees represent Morefield proudly every day in their actions, work, and attitude. This brand change will better represent the great work they provide while giving us room to grow into the technological advancements of future working environments.”

The four colors and advancing circular lines represent Morefield’s four core values. “Our employees are driven by our values and continuously looking for advanced ways to use technology to best accomplish our clients’ goals. Our Core Value of Growth is truly embodied throughout Morefield. We are growing in our services, in our talented professionals, and in our diverse passions for technology. It was perfect timing to evolve our logo to better reflect where we are going,” stated Wes Kelly, president.

This new visual identity seeks to empower everyone as a catalyst for future growth and strategic focus in the company. The new limitless look reinforces Morefield’s commitment to helping clients make smart technology decisions enabling their success.


Please click here for official press release – Morefield Unveils New Brand Press Release 7.19.22


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